Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Old Script from 2016 may have been greenlit

During the sophomore San Jose Comic Con, David Gerrold of The Trouble with Tribbles happened to have been there. His year old 50th anniversary sequel script to the Tribbles stories was on hand, and Kat got a signed copy. 

It had been in storage for years, but we found it, and it's really good. It could be worked into a Starship Locations episode for the 55th anniversary. 

Some rumors had it already was in production and such, but that's not so yet. The cast is working currently on a long running Transformers MUSH fan series and will not be done with that until the end of 2020. 

Anything is possible. We just don't know yet, but the script it good. It is likely to be used somehow. Maybe. 

We could not pay anyone and would give a by line for free, so we could got give royalties.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Sillians Discotech Fontana and Clerk

The Aamazon book is out, the next chapter in the strange and surreal Sillian series, this one set in both 2396 and 2399, the eras in which Discotech ended up or at least Ventura from 22578 did, and also Clerk, in 2399, ended up.

The Fontana is named for DC Fontana.

The two series are parodies although Clerk is a Picard form parody and uses actual jokes made from each episode plot.

They have changed the names significantly.

The 315 page novel was released several days ago on Kindle.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Starship Chimera Won Clara Award for Fan Film

The Starship Chimera miniseries event from September won a Clara Movie Award for Best In House Animated Feature Film, or Series. The award is a virtual golden cat, but since they were all out, they settled on a virtual pat on the back to the creators, Browne and Yeager. (They play Kat and Cards).

The stories meanwhile continue to be on YouTube and on Amazon Kindle, and recent re uploads of some of the stories, Pathfinder and the four key Sillian books, of which book 4 has the movie story in it, were included.

They can sell books so long as the contents have been significantly changed from it being a Star Trek parody, of which they are.

The fan film, however, has enough to be recognized, and is not for sale or profit.

Kat and Cards are working on a sequel book, in the same vein, which will have names changed, but will spoof the new Trek shows, like Discovery and Picard.The sequel will change the names to something else, Discotech and Clerk possibly.