Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Optimistic return to form as production resumes 2019

Kat and Cards will indeed finish Chimera in 2019. Now three years past the deadline to make it a 40th anniversary story, and 2 years last doing a TNG 30th anniversary story, and right about a year after the 25th of DS0, the story continues.

Should they just not plan it with an anniversary?

Well in 2019, it is the 30th anniversary of On Location II, the self journal never officially released.

Does that even count?

Can they give us a real teaser trailer by February?

If nothing else, one by Comic Con in April? It should be by then there is a release date, and it should be set in.

Summer blockbuster movies will not interfere, nor would winter movies. It's free and on YouTube, so there is no need to be concerned with the release of Marvel movies or Star Wars 9. Because it's free, the release date is flexible.

Kat is biding his time with parodies in other genres and plans a full on miniseries for Trans Tech in 2019. It will start then.

Chimera has been in development perdition really since late 2016.