It has been a month since Starship Chimera appeared on the YouTube channel. It is there and available to watch. It is free and not for profit.
The first act has been watched 74 times, and the second, 23, and third, 22 times. This is a good ratio for the type of fan film it is.
Marx Cards is away in Japan right now, but when he returns there might be a commentary or interview.
The TrekCore people have no responded, save for one of them, on day 1.
Maybe the new Picard show will get people curious about the fan film, although that is rumored to take place 11 years after Chimera, in 2399. It is of no direct relation to the Chimera film.
The model ships featured in the movie are interesting and some of them are original builds. They're sure to do a Ships of Chimera soon.
The current timeline posits it is 2396, 8 years after Chimera, but 4 before Picard, and that to retool it to fit Trek core would be kind of silly.
The Starship Locations books have changed names and ship names to avoid issues with CBS or Paramount concerning Star Trek.
The fan film ignores it as it is a Star Trek parody and not making a profit, so view count doesn't do anything for us.
The recent passing of one of the DS9 character,s Nog, will be addressed as his Sillian character Noggin in the game, and the pilot story is being written now. The crew will also feature other passed on characters, including Kirk and Spock. Evidently they're in some kind of nexus or on the holodeck, or something like that.
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