Thursday, August 1, 2024

Starship Locatons Legacy, Season One, Three full length feature Star Trek fan films

Starship Locations Legacy Cupid's Reunion fan film
Starship Chimera 82405

Mar 2, 2024
The incredible legend continues, as a Valentine to the fans, when copies of the classic TOS crew are pulled from the Sillian realm to meet their legacy on the mysterious planet Metalas, on Valentine's Day in 2406.

Two years have passed since the Sillian Pine Hill incident, and Kestra and Tamm went to the academy, and now they are lieutenants on the San Jose, Krass' temporary command, when the ship is swept out of space time to a mysterious planet by Sulu from TOS!

On the planet, various Next Gen and DS9 and Voyager people also appear, all seemingly from a paradox where a legendary crewman named Seto was erased from history.

Now they have one day to get their loved ones presents, ha, before the Q and the Sisko go at odds once more, and Picard, Beverly and Data form a triangle.

The TOS crew reunites due to Q like powers given to them when all but three of their members died in real life, and the three remaining ones missed them. Kirk, Sulu and Chekov meet again with Spock, McCoy, Scotty, and Uhura.

The crews must solve the mystery of the lost Vger like demigod children before their chaste Overlord, Joshua Brawn's clone, comes up witrh a planet destroying idea to make his followers immortal.

Riker, Troi and crew and LaForge and his daughters, and Tamm and Kestra, must find the castle before the Overlord can unleash his powers, not knowing what those powers can do.

Even though it is the Sillians, it will take a twist nobody expects, as they quest to find the fabled cheap castle, and save the universe itself one more time.

Color, stereo, DMCA complaint, Star Trek parody, no ad revenue, 1 hour, 43 minutes, or  103 minutes.

Based upon Star Trek stories ranging from "The Last Roundup" to "Lower Decks" to "What You Leave Behind" to "Star Trek Picard" and more.
Yes, we know it's coming out two weeks after Valentine's Day, but there was no way to get it out on that day. This is set in the future after all.


Starship Locations Legacy 2 Patterns of Farce fan film
Starship Chimera 82405

Apr 25, 2024
Four months have passed since the incdient at the Q Valentines Day, and the crew of the Concept encounters the planet Solonos, said to be lost 33 years ago, but  has been restored and there are renegade Maquis there let by an escaped Sito.

Sandra Talisman, now in command of the Concept since the Ro Laren clone augment disappeared, orders the ship to return to Earth and meet with the Chimera A, under Captain Krass,  which is about to launch after 6 months refit.

Unexpectedly, Admiral Sarah Esteban, an descendants of JT Esteban from Star Trek III, takes command of the Chimera A to go in search of the Maquis, staring with a voyage to Cardassia Prime to pick up retired Garak. Ezri Locarno reports that Nick Locarno, or his double, has vanished also.

Then at Deep Space Nine, they attempt to sort of the 33 year old mystery of the planet, and also the similar one of Duklala, the prison planet where Krass and Mahoney and Sito were originally found, leading them into uncovering the mystery of their origins.

Bashir and Garak help the Chimera and the Concept to uncover the mystery, with help from Tamm and Kestra, where they find a lost survivor from the prison planet who may hold the key to a Cardassian and rogue plot to destroy the Federation during the Dominion war.

General Oh, the evil security spy, who has been hiding for 7 years, returns to try and stop the Chimera and Concept from uncovering the secrets a dead Gul Dukat of the Obsidian Orderand his followers in the Romulan Tal Shier resistance left behind.

With designs to unleash the same weapons that devastated Solonos decades ago, Oh heads for Bajor, with the Admiral in pursuit, which will lead to a titanic rematch of the Federation and the Romulan renegades, as she seems to be facing herself in battle!

We did not intend to make a sequel, but this was too good a script to pass up, and the next will be even weirder. This is a love letter and sympathy card to Deep Space Nine, on its 40th anniversary. Little late, but worth the wait.

Soledad Rosas was a differently abled San Jose State student and activist during the middle 2000s and was a guest to the cast of then role playing game Starship Locations the Chimera saga, during the events of the 2380s. (She was not the other similar Rosas, no relation, from the 1990s).
Esteban is a character dedicated to her.

This whole season is dedicated to Victoria Browne, who passed away on April 1, 2024 during the production, and this adventure is something she would have co written with her son.

Color, stereo 1080p DMCA compliant, use of clips from some internet sources, highly modified.

Starship Locations Legacy 3 Yesterday Became Tomorrow Fan Film
Starship Chimera 82405

May 4, 2024
Late in the year 2406, which is skewed thanks to Q, the Chimera A crew celebrates the long awaited wedding of Vince Mahoney and Krass, with Nog as acting commander. Sehlat Vie returns, as does Tabby, and the alien Hope, who has been learning to be more human.

An unexpected visitor from the future Kestra Riker as she would appear following a Borg attack in her time, warns of a Federation and Klingon civil war about to occur which will lead to a decade of war.

Vince and Krass are visited by Q junior who also warns them that other Q are disappearing along with the vast majority of Federation and Klingon leaders.

An alien cult that followed the Tal Shiar and the Obsidian Order methods has arisen to seize control of the Overlord plan to destabilize the Federation. Javon Tal is called in to assist, from the Emmett Till, but a warning from Garak calls him to attention, and to a dangerous encounter.

With the lines between comedy and horror burred, a cosmically dying Kira Nyres gets an unusual wish granted, as chaos reigns on the station.

The only chance to save them all may lie in the arrival of Tamara Tal, the next host of the symbiot, who arrives from another future to assist, but she may be too late.

Note. Rushed to production before the wake of Victoria, the cast assembles for the season finale earlier than planned, but the story is not missing anything, and was actually slightly added to to fix a crucial scene at the last hour.

The Yesterday became Tomorrow poem is so different from the original work as to be parody. No credit needed.

The final Starship Locations Legacy story in the trilogy.
Based on premises by Adam Browne and his mother, Victoria Browne, before she passed.
Color, stereo, 1080p, y14, DMCA complaint, 1 hour, 25 mins, or 85 mins.