Monday, September 6, 2021

Starship Locations Strange Worlds explores the early 25th century!

Production has begun on the pilot episode of a 7 part mini series sequel to Starship Locations Chimera, The Destiny Device, 2019. It is days away from Star Trek turning 55 and the sets are completed, figures painted, and all thrusters are go for the spin off. 

Strange Worlds is the official title, although early on we were using Wunderkind as the secret name. 

Strange Worlds will be a Star Trek fan film parody set about 16 years after the events of Chimera, on a new Chimera A, under Captain Ezri Locarno. The first story had been set in 2388. This is set in 2402.

It is set just after the events of Picard season 2. 

The production cast is the same as that on the Transformers MUSHm which means it's all voluinteer and still following guidelines and restrictions. 

Marx Cards skimmed the scripts but will likely only be available for an occasional cameo. 

The first story is an expasnion and rewrite of a premise by Trek alumni David Gerrold. We cannot yet give away the title. 

It is entirely possible the pilot could be completed by Halloween and appear then, so a lot of the stuff in it is geared toward that. We're in September. That's late October. 

Star Trek note. CBS Viacom Paramount owns the rights to Star Trek, so this is complaint with the DMCA. 

SW will appear on the Chimera 82405 YouTube channel for free. No ad sense. 
