The Starship Chimera miniseries event from September won a Clara Movie Award for Best In House Animated Feature Film, or Series. The award is a virtual golden cat, but since they were all out, they settled on a virtual pat on the back to the creators, Browne and Yeager. (They play Kat and Cards).
The stories meanwhile continue to be on YouTube and on Amazon Kindle, and recent re uploads of some of the stories, Pathfinder and the four key Sillian books, of which book 4 has the movie story in it, were included.
They can sell books so long as the contents have been significantly changed from it being a Star Trek parody, of which they are.
The fan film, however, has enough to be recognized, and is not for sale or profit.
Kat and Cards are working on a sequel book, in the same vein, which will have names changed, but will spoof the new Trek shows, like Discovery and Picard.The sequel will change the names to something else, Discotech and Clerk possibly.