Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Starship Locations will adapt two series, Cohnirri space and Vanguards space in 2025

Starship Locations is to adapt the 7 season long, or 7 novel long, Cohnirri saga into a go motion story taking place starting in the 2480s. The novels from 2019 don't sell, but the stories are worth adapting and exciting. It will be set on a parallel to Earth.

They will also adapt the Vanguards space series, not to be confused for two other unrelated series, as this is the one that inspired Lucky Clerk. It will be set in the 2490s, but on a parallel planet from the other one. 

Vanguards Space is also shorter, only 3 seasons or books.

The official release date has not been set, so 2025 seems about right. 

Star Trek Playmates figures have already been painted, so it should be in production this fall, for a release some time next year.  

It is not the first time they have adapted a story from the collection. The Planet of the Fallen Ones was adapted in 2021. 

Making the decision to set this over 70 years after Legacy gives room for others, and also sets up the idea that planets visited in Destinations and Legacy have changed and imitated Starfleet, and to giver them time to do so. 

No plans yet for crossovers or for Legacy cast to surface, although the production joked that if anyone would visit, it would be old Tamm and Kestra. But no, don't count on that happening. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Starship Locations Season 2 back by popular demand full rundown

 Starship Locations Legacy 4 The Illiop at Mad Planet Fan Film
Starship Chimera 82405

 Jul 16, 2024
In 2407, the crew of the newly christened Neo Excalibur class starship Legacy encounters the most bizarre mission of their lives.

A classified time encounter in 2288 and in 2364 brought forth the terrible Fun Land creatures, which attacked the classic Enterprise A and the classic Enterprise D, where they met the most bizarre animatronic since Chuck E Cheese the Pizza Rat himself, Teddy Ruxpin, as a commander of a self built giant version of his form, ready to crush all whimsy in the galaxy!

His ship disappeared into a time space anomaly during another classified incident in 2381.

Now, in 2407, decades later, another series of strange events leads to the appearance of the ursine monster sized ship once more!

Even the homage, Five Nights at Freddy's was never as terrifying as Teddy, because nobody can stop the Teddy.

Not even a time displaced progenitor's artifact with Michael Burnham and Moll alive inside!

Captain Mariner, or Boimler, as she is married to him now, and her crew comprised of some from the Chimera A and some directly from Starfleet Academy, stands a chance of solving the situation, before a malevolent alien from Kirk's past returns in command of the ursine  Illiop.

With Argelius station's crew missing, Red Jack dead, and a Sillian who claims to have invented the Borg on the roster, a strange ailment grips out heroes, and Dr. Tendi must come up with a cure before they all go mad at a mad planet.
1 hour, 19 minutes, or 79 minutes.

Meant to be pilot for season two of Starship Legacy, because you demanded it.

Brand new ships built for the story during C3 camp.


  Starship Locations Legacy 5 Assimilation of Eden Fan Film
Starship Chimera 82405

Aug 27, 2024
The darker middle chapter. The Legacy arrives in Borg space and finds what could be their home planet, but could also be the lost Blish space planet Lithia, home of the first Terrmarelli.

Immediately following the events of the last story, the USS Legacy and the USS Esteban are reunited, only to find that the bizarre Picard Laforge timeline is much like the Mirror universe, only horny.

They have crossed over into a parallel timeline splintered off when the Picard show did not have Laforge, and it diverged in the 2360s when in their timeline, Laforge was super powered, and super metro. In the TNG timeline, the producers turned him straight in season two and never looked back. But in this timeline, Picard and Laforge would get Q powered and control the TNG universe, together. The Borg attacks were different, and Lascivious invaded the Federation with Cuitious Laforge at his side.  

In the decades since, they had a falling out, and had come to the transitioning planet Llithia in hopes of using the stolen Progenitor's tech from another universe to remake Lithia into Borg world, so that they could avoid the Loom from Prodigy, and find a new Far Out somewhere. Far Out was their goal. Find the world this Laforge called home, as he is from the postwar colony ship there called the Galleria.

Captain Mariner Boimler of the Legacy also must deal with some of her junior crew acting strangely following the space virus, when Semesters guests from the Esteban turn out to be old friends, and potential antagonists. Beckett must weigh the past she had on the Enterprise D as a teenager, prior to the 2366 Borg events, and the knowledge of the diverging timeline, with the drama unfolding. Having to put her foot down is tough because she was so used to breaking rules as a young Lower Decks officer decades ago on the Cerritos.

When the Q like Lascivious, the dangerous Semesters girl Shred Clothcutter, and Schnellitus of Pine Hill arrive, they can activate their horrible space transforming device. The Legacy must race against time to stop overpowered cyborgs and moral quandaries in the middle of the mess over the Borg planet itself.

Based on Starship Locations, Semesters, and inspired by Picard Laforge shipping stories, since most fan fic is shipping, and this is, but rated PG13 or Y14 for suggestive content and simulated lascivious situations, but no graphic anything.
1 hour, 25 minutes, or 85 miles.

 Starship Locations Legacy 6 The Andover Incident Fan film
Starship Chimera 82405

Aug 28, 2024
Season finale. In 2407, the USS Legacy finds the long lost Andover on a mysterious and cracked planet. The ship arrives at the home world of Laforge from the altered timeline, but also that of Semesters, the Andover ship sagas.

Having somehow resolved the incidents from weeks ago at Borg space, Mariner orders a joint away mission with Harry Kim, captain of the Esteban, to the planet to investigate the Andover generation ship.

Stuck in the 90s in attitude, Semesters darlings William Hollybrook and Arianna Foster meet up with various members of their old gang on the planet at the Andover and the adjacent Great Mall, while alien changelings and Borg arrive to assimilate Far Out itself. They're from the landing party but being decades older than they were as carefree young adults, they clash with the locals they left behind.

In 2384, Martial Sportiests had come there after Schnellitus crashed her old Borg cube there, and she has come back decades later to reclaim it, and to restore Lascivious to life. Cutius Laforge also appears, as do changelings disguised as friends of Mariner and visiting Gwen from Prodigy, but years after those stories. It is now 2407.

The landing party soon discovers some of their number being herded to a celebration to revive Lascivious after TV cowboy maverick Cowpoke and the wily Halpinator, late of TMS, attempt to hold them in the mall.

Then the legendary Semesters gal Wendy McKinley of Semesters leads them to distracting toys, and other Semesters people that work there, to eventually find various Kal Hazel ex wives, and even their very bizarre version of Hollybrook, much to his chagrin.

With Mariner and Alexander captured and the changelings having invaded the Legacy, the crew race against the clock to get the ship back, before the Loom swarm in to eat the deviant universe. They soon realize this is not their timeline. They've been in the Picard Laforge timeline for two stories!

The only way out may lie in attending the ceremony and stopping it, but perhaps they must participate in order to save the universe, for then they will never get home!

This thrilling continuation of the story arc concludes with nods to the beloved in house stories of Semesters, and finally wraps things up.  1 hour, 34 minutes, or 94 minutes, Y14 for suggestive lyrics and situations.


 Starship Locations Legacy Where No One Dared to go Before fan film
Starship Chimera 82405

 Aug 31, 2024
A member of the Q continuum and two Travelers appear in 2407 and whisk the crew of the Starship Legacy to 2024 Earth, several days in our current past, to an unnamed Star Trek convention where Captain Kirk appears.

Several members of the Next Generation and DS9 crew appear also, including Tabby as Tasha Yar, and both Ezri Dax and Jadzia Dax, Data, Worf and some Kiras, and Beverly Crusher, and her two space sons Wesley and Jack.

When old Gorn and Kirk reunite, things go haywire as a visitor from 2400 called Chris Rios had been accidentally placed there, and he has infested the convention with 'the con crud', and only the crew can solve the mystery before everyone goes nuts.

The Mariner Boimlers, the Gwendala and Dahl, and the girls who were on shore leave, all must get to the source of the madness before the crew become at first randy for each other, and then silly, with one of them bursting into song.

When Esto searches for alternate Yar, as Tabby, a bizarre human in a Klingon garb talks of song parodies, while dancing Loom flowers enjoy the con. It's sure to be a wacky parody for the generations, where no one dared before.

Based upon ideas before and after the Galaxy Con San Jose, not endorsed or with any revenue from it, and using Kat's con clips, but not any audio, it is as if a shipping fic comes to life.

Celebrating 58 years of Star Trek, 40 years of Silly Trek, and 5 years of Starship Locations online.
1 hour, 57 minutes, or 117 minutes.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Starship Locatons Legacy, Season One, Three full length feature Star Trek fan films

Starship Locations Legacy Cupid's Reunion fan film
Starship Chimera 82405

Mar 2, 2024
The incredible legend continues, as a Valentine to the fans, when copies of the classic TOS crew are pulled from the Sillian realm to meet their legacy on the mysterious planet Metalas, on Valentine's Day in 2406.

Two years have passed since the Sillian Pine Hill incident, and Kestra and Tamm went to the academy, and now they are lieutenants on the San Jose, Krass' temporary command, when the ship is swept out of space time to a mysterious planet by Sulu from TOS!

On the planet, various Next Gen and DS9 and Voyager people also appear, all seemingly from a paradox where a legendary crewman named Seto was erased from history.

Now they have one day to get their loved ones presents, ha, before the Q and the Sisko go at odds once more, and Picard, Beverly and Data form a triangle.

The TOS crew reunites due to Q like powers given to them when all but three of their members died in real life, and the three remaining ones missed them. Kirk, Sulu and Chekov meet again with Spock, McCoy, Scotty, and Uhura.

The crews must solve the mystery of the lost Vger like demigod children before their chaste Overlord, Joshua Brawn's clone, comes up witrh a planet destroying idea to make his followers immortal.

Riker, Troi and crew and LaForge and his daughters, and Tamm and Kestra, must find the castle before the Overlord can unleash his powers, not knowing what those powers can do.

Even though it is the Sillians, it will take a twist nobody expects, as they quest to find the fabled cheap castle, and save the universe itself one more time.

Color, stereo, DMCA complaint, Star Trek parody, no ad revenue, 1 hour, 43 minutes, or  103 minutes.

Based upon Star Trek stories ranging from "The Last Roundup" to "Lower Decks" to "What You Leave Behind" to "Star Trek Picard" and more.
Yes, we know it's coming out two weeks after Valentine's Day, but there was no way to get it out on that day. This is set in the future after all.


Starship Locations Legacy 2 Patterns of Farce fan film
Starship Chimera 82405

Apr 25, 2024
Four months have passed since the incdient at the Q Valentines Day, and the crew of the Concept encounters the planet Solonos, said to be lost 33 years ago, but  has been restored and there are renegade Maquis there let by an escaped Sito.

Sandra Talisman, now in command of the Concept since the Ro Laren clone augment disappeared, orders the ship to return to Earth and meet with the Chimera A, under Captain Krass,  which is about to launch after 6 months refit.

Unexpectedly, Admiral Sarah Esteban, an descendants of JT Esteban from Star Trek III, takes command of the Chimera A to go in search of the Maquis, staring with a voyage to Cardassia Prime to pick up retired Garak. Ezri Locarno reports that Nick Locarno, or his double, has vanished also.

Then at Deep Space Nine, they attempt to sort of the 33 year old mystery of the planet, and also the similar one of Duklala, the prison planet where Krass and Mahoney and Sito were originally found, leading them into uncovering the mystery of their origins.

Bashir and Garak help the Chimera and the Concept to uncover the mystery, with help from Tamm and Kestra, where they find a lost survivor from the prison planet who may hold the key to a Cardassian and rogue plot to destroy the Federation during the Dominion war.

General Oh, the evil security spy, who has been hiding for 7 years, returns to try and stop the Chimera and Concept from uncovering the secrets a dead Gul Dukat of the Obsidian Orderand his followers in the Romulan Tal Shier resistance left behind.

With designs to unleash the same weapons that devastated Solonos decades ago, Oh heads for Bajor, with the Admiral in pursuit, which will lead to a titanic rematch of the Federation and the Romulan renegades, as she seems to be facing herself in battle!

We did not intend to make a sequel, but this was too good a script to pass up, and the next will be even weirder. This is a love letter and sympathy card to Deep Space Nine, on its 40th anniversary. Little late, but worth the wait.

Soledad Rosas was a differently abled San Jose State student and activist during the middle 2000s and was a guest to the cast of then role playing game Starship Locations the Chimera saga, during the events of the 2380s. (She was not the other similar Rosas, no relation, from the 1990s).
Esteban is a character dedicated to her.

This whole season is dedicated to Victoria Browne, who passed away on April 1, 2024 during the production, and this adventure is something she would have co written with her son.

Color, stereo 1080p DMCA compliant, use of clips from some internet sources, highly modified.

Starship Locations Legacy 3 Yesterday Became Tomorrow Fan Film
Starship Chimera 82405

May 4, 2024
Late in the year 2406, which is skewed thanks to Q, the Chimera A crew celebrates the long awaited wedding of Vince Mahoney and Krass, with Nog as acting commander. Sehlat Vie returns, as does Tabby, and the alien Hope, who has been learning to be more human.

An unexpected visitor from the future Kestra Riker as she would appear following a Borg attack in her time, warns of a Federation and Klingon civil war about to occur which will lead to a decade of war.

Vince and Krass are visited by Q junior who also warns them that other Q are disappearing along with the vast majority of Federation and Klingon leaders.

An alien cult that followed the Tal Shiar and the Obsidian Order methods has arisen to seize control of the Overlord plan to destabilize the Federation. Javon Tal is called in to assist, from the Emmett Till, but a warning from Garak calls him to attention, and to a dangerous encounter.

With the lines between comedy and horror burred, a cosmically dying Kira Nyres gets an unusual wish granted, as chaos reigns on the station.

The only chance to save them all may lie in the arrival of Tamara Tal, the next host of the symbiot, who arrives from another future to assist, but she may be too late.

Note. Rushed to production before the wake of Victoria, the cast assembles for the season finale earlier than planned, but the story is not missing anything, and was actually slightly added to to fix a crucial scene at the last hour.

The Yesterday became Tomorrow poem is so different from the original work as to be parody. No credit needed.

The final Starship Locations Legacy story in the trilogy.
Based on premises by Adam Browne and his mother, Victoria Browne, before she passed.
Color, stereo, 1080p, y14, DMCA complaint, 1 hour, 25 mins, or 85 mins.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Valentine to the Star Trek fans comes belated but hilarious!





 The incredible legend continues, as a Valentine to the fans, when copies of the classic TOS crew are pulled from the Sillian realm to meet their legacy on the mysterious planet Metalas, on Valentine's Day in 2406. 

 Two years have passed since the Sillian Pine Hill incident, and Kestra and Tamm went to the academy, and now they are lieutenants on the San Jose, Krass' temporary command, when the ship is swept out of space time to a mysterious planet by Sulu from TOS! 

On the planet, various Next Gen and DS9 and Voyager people also appear, all seemingly from a paradox where a legendary crewman named Seto was erased from history. 

Now they have one day to get their loved ones presents, ha, before the Q and the Sisko go at odds once more, and Picard, Beverly and Data form a triangle. 

The TOS crew reunites due to Q like powers given to them when all but three of their members died in real life, and the three remaining ones missed them. Kirk, Sulu and Chekov meet again with Spock, McCoy, Scotty, and Uhura. The crews must solve the mystery of the lost Vger like demigod children before their chaste Overlord, Joshua Brawn's clone, comes up with a planet destroying idea to make his followers immortal. 

Riker, Troi and crew and LaForge and his daughters, and Tamm and Kestra, must find the castle before the Overlord can unleash his powers, not knowing what those powers can do. Even though it is the Sillians, it will take a twist nobody expects, as they quest to find the fabled cheap castle, and save the universe itself one more time. 

Color, stereo, DMCA complaint, Star Trek parody, no ad revenue, 1 hour, 43 minutes, or 103 minutes. Based upon Star Trek stories ranging from "The Last Roundup" to "Lower Decks" to "What You Leave Behind" to "Star Trek Picard" and more. Yes, we know it's coming out two weeks after Valentine's Day, but there was no way to get it out on that day. This is set in the future after all.

Sunday, December 24, 2023










Legacy of the Onlies (episodes 1 and 2) Set in early 2404, three years after Star Trek Picard, and in the fifth and final year of the Chimera A five year mission, Captain Ezri Locarno and her crew must bring Kestra Riker and Tamara Locarno to the academy, but they are kidnapped by mysterious Onlies Sillians and taken to their planet! The Chimera A rushes to the planet to find the bizarre Borg like Wessian, a modified Wesley Crusher who was partly assimilated, from another timeline, but it didn’t take, and his buddies, a giant Tribble Bluegill hybrid, Zero from Prodigy, now older, and Khaki the rock fan. The Chimera has Tendi from Lower Decks, now older, and Gwendala from Prodigy, now older, to help. But a mutant strain of the Miri virus has become infused with a new mysterious virus from the past, from an obscure location linking all of the realm itself! Based upon the classic Star Trek episode Miri and on the Sillian Realms Andover stories, and Pathfinder stories, and some of the others, the one hour pilot takes the crew where Kirk had been before! Color, stereo, 1080p DMCA complaint, 2 hours.




Fearful Symmetry (episode 3) Journey back to Deep Space Nine, Sillian style, as Captain Javon Tahl, in the Sisko role as commander of the legendary Emmett Till, as Nog is now captain of the station, and Kira retired, but still there. Old friends return to the station when the Dominion return to the galaxy with a vengeance, trying to undo Odo’s work making peace in the galaxy. Quark renews his schemes, even though he has others, and this time, he has a wacky one. He has found evidence for a Founder creator machine which can make or break the Changelings. The O’Brien and Paris reunion is evident, and shocking twists are revealed. Not wishing to pass up the plan to snag the item, as Tahl is more a pirate than Sisko was, they go out in search of the mysterious object, and run afoul with Dominion agents on a trail to a planet of dark powers. Based on a spec script by Adam Browne and creative advisor Jon Yeager from 1995, given to a Star Trek writing contest at the time, when they did such things, but no longer do, at last they’ve adapted the legendary story, 28 years later! Color, stereo, 1080p, DMCA complaint, 1 hour.




The Arbiter of Kep Terra (episode 4) Early in 2404, the Chimera A is called to the strange Kep Terra system, home planet of the bickering former Martial Sportiest Karen Cinders, and of Far Out agent Ross Flotter, but they’ve kidnapped ambassador at large Tuvok and want him to be her arbitrator because they accidentally killed the last one. Ezri Locarno and the crew of the Chimera A play hosts to the irritable leaders from the planet, and attempt to arbitrate their disputes over petty things on the planet, because Tuvok has become concerned about them, even after they let him free, in exchange for his help. Mike Matthews, Rich Everson and Jay Birdman are guests to the ship, parodies of the Red Letter Media guys, kind of, who have insights into the planet, for one of them had been there before, and the other two admit to being similar enough to them to know what they’re up to. They are admittedly ‘hack frauds’ they decree. As Cinders is mysteriously ill from a strange disorder, leaving Flotter in charge, the doctor and the captain must get to the cause, as a fleet of alien ships bears down on the planet and a possible interstellar war may erupt. Based on a spec script by Adam Browne and creative advisor Jon Yeager from 1996, given to a Star Trek writing contest at the time, when they did such things, but no longer do, at last they’ve adapted the legendary story, 27 years later! Color, stereo, 1080p, DMCA complaint, 1 hour.




Behind the Eight Ball (episode 5) Approaching middle 2404, the Chimera A and guest Critical Vitriol go to a planet Kirk encountered in the past, over a century ago, and a ship called the Dorothy C Fontana went to and was not heard from since, months earlier. The odd planet happens to be the Sigma Iotian home world, the planet last seen in the classic Star Trek, A Piece of the Action, but it has changed, as a rogue Starfleet commander named Rumbly has landed there, from the Fontana, and is looking for Sillian James Messy, who had gone there to take over as the boss. Critical claims that another man, he calls him Swearing Man, is one of his people, possibly they’re both from the same planet, and he must get to him, but he learns that Messy and Rumbly already did. Roshenko, Aster, Kirayoshi, and later Mahoney, must get to the boss and find out what is going on, before the aliens broker a deal for Federation tech they shouldn’t have yet, as they’re not yet that advanced. But what they discover is a bizarre stash of goods and things that could actually worry the fleet, if it got out, and a greater surprise awaits before them, as they have found the strangest coincidence there of all. Based on the classic episode, and on a treatment by director Quentin Tarantino, who in 2019 wanted to do a Star Tek in the form of one of his films. We did not have contact with him. We just used the premise and changed it into a spoof. Color, stereo, 1080p, DMCA complaint, 1 hour.




Incredulous Maximus (episode 6) Having realized a direct connection between Sigma Iotia and another Roman sounding world, the Chimera A is ordered to Magna Roma, another classic Star Trek planet, last seen in Bread and Circuses. This time though, Sillians have directly interfered in the planet, and must be found. Roshenko, Mahoney, Tendi, Gwen, Aster and crew go down to try and stop the rogue Sillian who calls himself Praetor, the wily Data clone Overlordus, who had been presumed killed in 2388. Sehlat Vie late of TrekCore station, which is gone, is there as a Spock like Evan, and also goes to help out on the planet after a Borg ship arrives and a curious alternate timeline Queen appears there. On the planet, Savior appears, a strange flamboyant Elvan, who is revealed to be Boy George Michael Jackson, a composite Sillian from way back. With the two Overlords fighting, and Young Koloth back also, and Prize Hunter close behind too, it’s a prequel reunion of the Fallen Ones cast, and possibly the origin of their feud mentioned in that story as taking place hundreds of years prior! But a mysterious discovery may disrupt everything they believe on the planet! Color, stereo, 1080p, DMCA complaint, 1 hour.




Code of Ethics (episodes 7 and 8) The starship Jason David Frank, named for the deceased Power Ranger, is the perfect transport for Martial Sportiests seeking their former masters at planet Far Out, and so, Shadow Dancer and his family journey there on the ship to find their foes before they can unleash a plot. Sandra Talisman and her brother take a crew to the planet to uncover the trap set by Karen Cinders and her own mother, but Shadow is her Dad, so they should be all right. Mariam Fillet from the Mariam planet, one of the descendants, also trained at TMS, and she knows hot to get to the partly assimilated former masters there, even if they give out slurs. The crew debates with the elusive masters and Bored, and other Overlords, and eventually reveal the secrets behind the mystery trial, the story of the COL college of loonies, and the cult, and their involvement in controlling relationships. They must stop the Bored Borg, who had nabbed some of Talisman’s crew, in enchange for secrets, before the Changelings find them unaware and do things to them far worse than silly gossip about parentage and affairs! Based upon the Bullshido stories compiled over the years, and on Silliam Realms the Martial Sportiest stories, with Kitty Ki. The Gatovs were not actually involved in any of this. Color, stereo, 1080p, DMCA complaint, 2 hours. Note, this story and characters are meta, making fun of the COL cult stories, famous on Bullshido and Cultslayer, but we are not associated with them, not for some time. Don't ask. All the best, KittyKi.




No Easy Way Out (episode 9) Late in 2404, Khaki and Wolfie from the Mariam planet have allied with Karen Cinders, and ambush the Chimera A at Flodai, and destroy the ship, tossing Kestra, Tamm, Sandra, and Devana into another reality. Appearing on the dark mirror version of their ship, the Medusa, they discover the Elysian, cloned sister of twins Libby and Chris Clennah from Pine Hill, and head Overlord of the Bored Borg of her timeline. In the almost Mirror timeline, dark versions of Martial Sportiests have also taken over, because of the ambitious space virus that overtook them when future Khaki arrived in the past and contaminated the Pine Hill kids and the Enterprise D which was visiting the school, because Q wanted to annoy Picard. The girls must figure out how to get back to their universe, and fortunately, some of the Sillians would love the chance to humiliate the Praetor Elysian. They manage to get to Flodai, where they learn that Buffed Him and Blueson, original Pine Hill Sillians, have counterparts and can help. They go to a twisted version of TMS academy, where Shadow Dancer has become a sadistic madman, but agrees to help them, to humiliate his master, Kimmy. They then must find the pirate Brian Taleteller, and the Intended Kira Nasuri, Master Space Knight, before it’s too late, and Elysian could kill them! Based on a premise by Brian Storey, who played Kirk God, but here plays someone else, and on some by Kat and Cards. Color, stereo, 1080p, DMCA complaint, 1 hour.




The Qute in Our Stars (episode 10) Late in 2404, the Chimera A at last arrives at Earth, to bring Tamm and Kestra to Starfleet Academy, and Peppermint the Tribble Bluegill has gotten into trouble, but Ezri Locarno is snatched up by Q and his son while trying to make a report! Nick Locarno is reunited with his wife of 18 years on her birthday, but Q is behind it, and he has sent them to Pine Hill, where it all began over 36 years ago. Q explains if it wasn’t for him wanting to make fun of Picard in 2364 by having them meet Pine Hill, and form the Sillians universe, none of it would have happened. Also this is connected to Nick being redeemed, ergo Seto being rescued from death, and all that too, because Q meddled and made it so the Cardassians took him, and Seto, and later to that he’d meet Ezri. Q then makes various members of the crew appear, and also some of the TMS people, whom he also messed with over the years. It was the meddler who made it so Iggyni men could be combined, and also so Karen and Angelica could fight, and also Michael and Gabriel could fight. He has done all this for teen spirit, for the endearing moxie that keeps humans thinking they’re young. Picard is then made to appear, and immediately he megins trying to test Q back, only for them to reveal their long lost affection! With time seemingly running out, and pandemonium erupting, and even Evergreen people from Mariam present, the school location mirrors that frantic final season of the On Location stories that inspired this all, and the role playing game that started it too. But Q is not done playing games. Based on a premise by Brian Storey, who played Kirk God, but here plays someone else, and on some by Kat and Cards. Color, stereo, 1080p, DMCA complaint, 1 hour, 17 minutes.




Distant Destinies (episodes 11 and 12, or the feature film finale) Early in 2405, the Chimera A is called to one of the planets from the great freeze of space of Holter, which he had abandoned, another Earth like Flodai, where they must intercept and masquerade as androids for a bizarre meeting with an alien generation ship under another Wessian. The planet also has some similarities to a pre Sillian group called the Robo Sillians, and to the ancient hominids, who had come from other stories, and had been abandoned by someone named David Casens. The crew must man a moonbase and also man the alien ship, in hope of awakening the Wessian’s crew, because his command staff perished, and get to the bottom of a mystery concerning the origins of the Robo Sillians, and humanity itself. Then the Draconians appear, aliens hinted at during the whole season, who at last come from Pathfinder like places, from Sillian space, or another timeline, and want the alien ship for themselves. Fortunately, Dahl and Gwen from from Prodigy years older, are there to assist. Based on premises and books by Adam Browne and Jon Yeager, and a very old Mike Slater one, and some of Dan , nephew, and some David, other nephew, and Robo Silly, and Distant Cousins, Sillian Realms and Robo Silly. Consider this the Chimera movie finale. Color, stereo, 1080p, DMCA complaint, 2 hours. Note, you don't need to know what Silly Trek or Robo Silly or Distant Cousins were to get this at all. It is clear. If it seems like Ancient Aliens and Sularians, it's making fun of that, minus the racism, and of the big preachy lines directly denounces racism as ridiculous. Also this is sort of a prequel to The Fallen Ones, but it's clear and explained and you don't need to have watched it, but do watch it because it's fun.

Starship Chimera the Series completes mission

Playlist which includes Starship Chimera 2019, Starship Strange Worlds, 2021, Starship the Fallen Ones, 2022, and Starship Destinations, 2023.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Starship Locations season 3 is still happening!

The third season of Starship Locations, formerly Strange Worlds, will still be coming out early next year in 2024. This comes after the main channels announced the immediate dismantling of the physical media and props of the old stuff, but they kept the important ones for the sequel. 

The studio is gone. They're going to have to improvise. Since they are first still doing the Robotech meets Transformers, as they kept them too, and they have an expensive built SDF Three model they built, they're going to use that. 

The Chimera starships are in storage.